Why aren't T-14 Armata MBTs deployed in the Ukraine conflict, given that they are the best tanks the Russian military has? In 2015 Putin was throwing a big military parade. You know the ones- where the missiles and troops all goosestep in Moscow to show off Russian military prowess. This was to be the public unveiling (in part) of the new T-14 Armata tank. As the parade prepared the Armata broke down. The transmission, which is the traditional flaw of Russian tanks, gave out. I don’t think anyone who knew about these tanks was surprised in any way. Back before all this, China had planned to purchase some T-14 tanks. Russia needed this big contract to fund its own tank modernization program. However, when China got a field test of the T-14 in Syria it backed out. Publically the Chinese media said that the T-14 had none of the advertised defense systems, that it was unreliable, and that it was hard to crew. Russian tank crews also think this. The reality is that the T-...