Augusto Alfredo Roggen - shot for spying. 34 year old Roggen was executed by firing squad at the Tower of London on the 17th of September 1915, becoming the second spy executed there in a week. (see Ernst Mellin on the 10 of September) Roggen had been born in Uruguay. His father was originally German but had taken Uruguayan citizenship. Roggen was married to a German woman. Roggen had arrived in England on the 30th of May 1915 and was allowed through immigration and travelled onto Edinburgh. Here he sent two postcards to H. Flores in Rotterdam which were intercepted and copied by British Intelligence. The address in Rotterdam was known to the security services as a spy base. By the 9th of June Roggen was staying in a hotel at Tarbet on Loch Lomond near Loch Long which leads t the Firth of Clyde and during World War I was in a restricted area where fishing was banned. It was on that same day that Roggen was arrested at this hotel and t...